Brainstorming... Continued

There will be a balance between exploring worlds and limiting colonization to humans. The Aegis want humans to settle new worlds in order to spread the presence of Uto. But if they spread too quickly the Breach will infect these colonies and spread. The number of settled worlds in relation to numbers of Aegis has them stretched thin.

The Aegis don't reveal themselves to the Maker because the Maker has deemed they cannot interact with human society. Aegis should all have some base powers that allow them to manipulate human minds, making them forget certain events (Like Men in Black). That way an Aegis can interact with people to some effect. Less powerful Aegis might only be able to change memories for the length of a day or so. Very powerful beings might be able to cloud humans for weeks, even months.

We discussed how human space travel is really just a primitive form of Aegis link travel. These facilities would be machine run, expensive, and use enormous resources (perhaps, a nuclear reactor).

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