Template Change

I've changed the template back to its default. The old one had a major bug in the code, and it was starting to pose some problems with the rss feeds. I couldn't repair the glitch. That anime template wasn't really fitting in with the "comic book" feel we want the game to have anyways.

I am currently programming a skin for the site and will convert the blog over once the code is complete. Let me know if you have a color preference because right now it is in the very early development phase.

More to come, when I have it.


An Attempt to Fix This

New Difficulty Scale (1-13)
1 Easy
3 Normal
5 Challenging
7 Hard
9 Very Hard
11 Near Impossible
13 Godly

Before any non-combat action, player rolls two D6. Here is how you determine what to do with the roll.

-Normal roll (2 & 3, 1 & 5, etc.) The player gets two separate numbers that do not pair in any way. No bonuses are collected.

-Snake Eyes (1 & 1). The player gets two ones. This is a dramatic failure.

-Doubles (2 & 2, 4 & 4, 5 & 5, etc.) The player rolls two similar dice, other than snake eyes and double sixes. Automatic plus one success to their Precision roll.

-Double 6s (6 & 6). The player rolls two 6s. Automatic plus three successes to their Precision roll

The player then rolls their Precision for the skill. Any numbers 6 and higher are counted as successes. Bonuses from doubles are factored in. If the player exceeds or meets the difficulty required, the action is accomplished.

A system should be set up to allow players to spent flux stamina to add dice to their roll, thus increasing their chances of getting more successes.

I ran the numbers for a while and the blunt of this system seems to work just fine. If we create a system where the players can add dice with Stamina, I would definitely suggest upping the difficulty modifiers.

I Think I Found a Big Problem with NonCombat Rolls

I spoke with you earlier about non-combat actions and, after running some numbers, I think I found out the reason as to why I was a bit concerned. The problem has to do with the Degree (six-sided) dice. If you step away from the system you will discover that is currently unnecessary to have this roll. Judging the degree of success should really be recorded by how well the player rolls the D10 added to their Precision. Any number higher than the target number should count towards a greater system for successes. The separate D6 degree is a blind eye of sorts; it doesnt care one bit about a characters Precision. Someone with a low Precision squeaks by the target number but manages to roll a 6 for their degree, while another character, with a much higher Precision, instead rolls a one. The problem is that these two dice rolls might seem connected, but in reality they are not, at least not enough to warrant a solid system. Over a period of rolls I discovered that too much emphasize is placed on the single D6 dice and not on the users actual Skill. The only real time that the Precision dice and the Degree dice work together in unison is through contested roles. This scares me greatly because I think it is a big flaw in the overall system.

In laymens terms what Im saying is this: there needs to be some way to transfer how well you roll on your D10 into how well you roll into your D6. The D10 roll currently is an on/off switch and needs to link more with the D6 roll to determine the characters results.

I hope this makes some sense. Please let me know what you think.