A Very Rough Draft

While frustratingly working on the idea of a skill web I got an good idea on how to create a style for our character sheet to show our current qualities, skills, and precision numbers. To show it off, I whipped up this image using MSPaint; please forgive its crude appearance.

Each one of these wheels/gears would repesent one of our qualities. The white box in the center of the wheel would display the vaule of the quality. The various notches in the wheel would represent the skills generally associated to that quality of the wheel. The skills would be written down on the dotted lines. The skill's level would be written in the white circles that the dotted lines point toward. In order to figure out the precision # (which you already know) one would add the value of their skill (outside white circle) to the value of their quality (center white box). In the rare event that the skill in question links to another quality, the player simply looks at another appropriate quality wheel to find out what to add his skill to in order to get his percision #.

I really like this format for several reasons. It makes sense and adds flavor to the style of the system without changing any mechanics (a big plus).

I will continue to work on a skill web but I hope you like this presentation. The truth is I'm afraid that the skill web might be too confusing, and this way of looking at skills and qualities is very simple and to the point.

Let me know what you think.